The Karate Kid 3
The third installment of The Karate Kid franchise has Daniel being forced to defend his karate tournament title earned in The Karate Kid 1.
The evil Cobra Kai Sensei Krese lost all his students because the tournament had shown how much of a bad sensei this guy was. Terry Silver, a rich and corrupt businessman is the evil master of Krese. He vows revenge to go after Daniel and Mr. Miyagi and destroy everything they had. Daniel and Miyagi are deceived by Silver that Krese had died even though it was a lie.
The evil Cobra Kai Sensei Krese lost all his students because the tournament had shown how much of a bad sensei this guy was. Terry Silver, a rich and corrupt businessman is the evil master of Krese. He vows revenge to go after Daniel and Mr. Miyagi and destroy everything they had. Daniel and Miyagi are deceived by Silver that Krese had died even though it was a lie.
Silver went on to take over the All-Valley Tournament, where he invited Daniel to compete, but Daniel following Mr Miyagi´s advice, rejected the offer. Events were manipulated and forced Daniel to sign the contract and he even started training with Silver, who taught Daniel plenty of bad stuff convincing him that it was all he needed to know to win the tournament.
When Mr. Miyagi sensed that Daniel had been going out somewhere for training and coming back injured, he still helped him to recover. The corrupted Daniel finally realized his mistakes and decided to quit training with Silver. Krese returns to the picture and he and an evil karate kid, Mike Barnes beat up Daniel pretty badly until Mr. Miyagi comes to help.
When the time to defend his title came, Daniel was able to do it after going through some very brutal punishment. I think that Daniel was very courageous because he rejected the dark side and did what was right and ultimately showed respect and loyalty to his sensei.
When Mr. Miyagi sensed that Daniel had been going out somewhere for training and coming back injured, he still helped him to recover. The corrupted Daniel finally realized his mistakes and decided to quit training with Silver. Krese returns to the picture and he and an evil karate kid, Mike Barnes beat up Daniel pretty badly until Mr. Miyagi comes to help.
When the time to defend his title came, Daniel was able to do it after going through some very brutal punishment. I think that Daniel was very courageous because he rejected the dark side and did what was right and ultimately showed respect and loyalty to his sensei.
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