Thursday, May 30, 2019
May 1:
During yesterday’s class, I’ve learned how martial arts are used in a lot of animes
such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Baki, Attack on Titan, Mego Box and etc.
I’ve also learned how kids (kung fu fighters) from China start learning Shaolin Temple
techniques during an early age and mainly dedicate their whole life at the temple learning
the ways.
One of the things that fascinate me the most is how they were moving at an unmeasurable
speed using weapons. Prior to that, seeing how they would practice getting hit in their testicles
was very scary, but also impressive because they manage to channel their chi so that they
don’t feel pain or just become immune to it.
May 2:
During yesterday’s class, I’ve learned how to adjust myself using a different method while
falling. First, you have to squat, then make sure your chin is touching your chest and arms
across your chest, fall on your butt, then roll on your back and stabilize yourself by parting
your arms and slapping the ground.
In today’s class, I learned the names of the body parts. Jodan, Chudan and Gedan which mean
upper body, the middle part of the body and the lower body.
It was amazing to see things that seem impossible such as the Shaolin monks not getting cut
or killed laying on top of spears, swords, and nails.
May 7:
In today’s class, I learned how to roll from a kneeling position to a standing position.
This method is a little similar to falling on your back, but instead your leaning/ leaping
forward. I also learned how to better defend myself using the Hane Goshi (hip throw) from
judo that Sensei taught us.
We also watched a documentary called The Smashing Machine.
This documentary was about Mark Kerr and his lifestyle as a fighter.
He was addicted to painkillers and steroids, which impacted his life along with the
people around him.

Prior to that, we trained and learned how MMA fighters use different techniques to escape
from and outmaneuver their opponents.
May 8:
In today’s class, we learn how to block counterattacks with four different moves.
We also watched and analyzed some more anime fighting scenes.
May 9:
We finished the movie called Redbelt. One thing that I dislike about the movie was because of
the ending. The ending of the movie was a cliffhanger. They should’ve shown what he said
when he went into the ring or what happens to his marriage following the betrayal of his wife.
May 13:
We watched a movie called Iron Monkey. Iron Monkey was an interesting movie to me
because it contained a fighting scene that was funny due to the digital effects that
were added to it.
May 10:
such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Baki, Attack on Titan, Mego Box and etc.
I’ve also learned how kids (kung fu fighters) from China start learning Shaolin Temple
techniques during an early age and mainly dedicate their whole life at the temple learning
the ways.
One of the things that fascinate me the most is how they were moving at an unmeasurable
speed using weapons. Prior to that, seeing how they would practice getting hit in their testicles
was very scary, but also impressive because they manage to channel their chi so that they
don’t feel pain or just become immune to it.
May 2:
During yesterday’s class, I’ve learned how to adjust myself using a different method while
falling. First, you have to squat, then make sure your chin is touching your chest and arms
across your chest, fall on your butt, then roll on your back and stabilize yourself by parting
your arms and slapping the ground.
In today’s class, I learned the names of the body parts. Jodan, Chudan and Gedan which mean
upper body, the middle part of the body and the lower body.
It was amazing to see things that seem impossible such as the Shaolin monks not getting cut
or killed laying on top of spears, swords, and nails.
May 7:
In today’s class, I learned how to roll from a kneeling position to a standing position.
This method is a little similar to falling on your back, but instead your leaning/ leaping
forward. I also learned how to better defend myself using the Hane Goshi (hip throw) from
judo that Sensei taught us.
We also watched a documentary called The Smashing Machine.
This documentary was about Mark Kerr and his lifestyle as a fighter.
He was addicted to painkillers and steroids, which impacted his life along with the
people around him.

Prior to that, we trained and learned how MMA fighters use different techniques to escape
from and outmaneuver their opponents.
May 8:
In today’s class, we learn how to block counterattacks with four different moves.
We also watched and analyzed some more anime fighting scenes.
May 9:
We finished the movie called Redbelt. One thing that I dislike about the movie was because of
the ending. The ending of the movie was a cliffhanger. They should’ve shown what he said
when he went into the ring or what happens to his marriage following the betrayal of his wife.
May 13:
We watched a movie called Iron Monkey. Iron Monkey was an interesting movie to me
because it contained a fighting scene that was funny due to the digital effects that
were added to it.
May 10:
Today’s class we watched a movie Karate Girl. In the movie, the Kuneri family lives were at risk because of a sacred black belt they possessed. It was the evil criminal organization that killed the elder sister Ayaka and the karate master father. The clan took the younger sister Sakura and trained her to to be a killer and assassin. The elder sister did not die and grew up to eventually reunite with her sister and avenge their father and led to the destruction of the evil organization.
May 14
We watched The Legend of Drunken Master which was one of Jackie Chan’s best movies. It was really fun to watch because we got to see how Jackie Chan performed his fighting moves and got to see the bloopers. It was mostly about the missing historical jade figures, which was important to the Chinese. We also got to see some fight scenes in anime class.
May 15:
In today’s class, we watched a documentary about wuxia and how it was re-enacted in movies. Wuxia means martial chivalry. It was showcased in the movies with actors like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Wong Fei Hung and so on. They became very popular. We also went outside and worked on both defensive and offensive attacks in Renshu Kumite Ichi.
May 16:
We worked on more fighting moves, offensive and defensive skills as well as watched The 36th Chambers of Shaolin.
May 20:
We watched two movies today. Black Salt and The Assailant. Black Salt was a short film about a black 007 agent. I personally was not a fan of it, but it was still kind of interesting. The Assailant was fascinating because it was about the Afro-Brazilian martial art Capoeira, which evolved from an outlawed fighting art of slaves, into something culturally prized and sacred to Brazil.
May 21:
Yesterday we watched John Wick 3 which was an action-packed film. I liked how they directed the movie along with the locations where it was filmed. I always enjoy Keanu Reeves’ movies. I can’t wait for the fourth chapter to come out.
May 23:
Yesterday we watched an interesting film called Lady Bloodfight. The movie featured plenty of really badass female fighters and a lot of brutal fight scenes.
Mr. Riley also had a martial arts friend that appeared in this movie too. Her name is Jet Tranter and she is from Australia. I was very mad when she was killed by the evil Russian lady fighter because she was the nicest character in the whole movie.
We, later on, went outside and practiced kata Heian Shodan.
Mr. Riley also had a martial arts friend that appeared in this movie too. Her name is Jet Tranter and she is from Australia. I was very mad when she was killed by the evil Russian lady fighter because she was the nicest character in the whole movie.
We, later on, went outside and practiced kata Heian Shodan.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
BUKI HO = Traditional Weapons
Training in traditional weaponry improves flexibility, concentration, timing, reflexes and eye/hand/foot coordination. It is a great way to improve physical coordination and flexibility.
Martial artists have the opportunity to manipulate weapons like the Bo Staff, Tonfa, Nuchukas, Kama, & Sai in various offensive and defensive ways. Through challenging drills, partner work, and pre-designed patterns, participants gain confidence and positional awareness in their ability to fluidly and assertively handle the traditional weapon.
Kumite allows you to get a sense of distance and timing when staging an attack and counterdefense. It proved to be quite difficult at first, but as we continued to train over the four weeks, guys got the hang of it.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Black Panther Will Also Be The Black Samurai
I was so glad that I was able to recently receive a copy of the brand new book:
African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan by Thomas Lockley and Geoffrey Girard
Actor Chadwick Boseman of Black Panther fame is attached to the film project and is slated to portray the pivotal historical samurai figure.
Unfortunately, the book arrived a little too late for me to introduce it to the History of Martial Arts & Anime class this Spring, but it will be at the top of the list on important information to cover for next years and future projects.
African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan by Thomas Lockley and Geoffrey Girard
Actor Chadwick Boseman of Black Panther fame is attached to the film project and is slated to portray the pivotal historical samurai figure.

Thursday, May 23, 2019
May 21st, 2019 was another great day. We went on a field trip to the movies to watch John Wick 3.
It was one of the best movies ever. As I was watching it, I saw a lot of techniques that Sensei taught us which were very cool to know and to see performed on screen.
It was one of the best movies ever. As I was watching it, I saw a lot of techniques that Sensei taught us which were very cool to know and to see performed on screen.
John Wick 3/ Entry #5
John Wick 3 was a thrilling and action-packed movie. From each fighting scene, I could tell which martial art John switched from, like Krav Maga to Judo. A lot of groin shots I guess. Overall, a must-see and entertaining movie.
Black Salt/Entry #4
The film Black Salt was an interpretation of a black James Bond. The film was very good, fast-paced, and disappointingly too short. The producers didn't have the financial backing from a major studio, and could not afford to make a longer and more elaborate film. We really wanted to see more.
The Assailant was a nice movie too. It featured the Afro-Brazilian style of Capoeira and showed supernatural entities entering the life of the demi-god like human being, the protagonist Beetle. This film was also pretty interesting, seeing how someone could obtain supernatural abilities made it like a superhero/vigilante movie.
The Assailant was a nice movie too. It featured the Afro-Brazilian style of Capoeira and showed supernatural entities entering the life of the demi-god like human being, the protagonist Beetle. This film was also pretty interesting, seeing how someone could obtain supernatural abilities made it like a superhero/vigilante movie.
Entry #3
The History of Martial Arts in Cinema was an enjoyable movie. I heard Jackie Chan say that he did not like to fight and another actress saying that martial arts made her money and were her lifestyle, but at the same time she hated it?
I guess acting and doing martial arts is like a double-edged sword, something like a love/hate relationship.
Sekou Diabate
I wanna be able to walk away from this class with the ability to stay calmer, more aware of my surroundings, and how to deal with a negative situation when it pops up.
I honestly think that mixed martial art is a great way of letting out your feelings in a way not everyone can do. After watching the documentary, The Smashing Machine, I now understand stand the many different forms of MMA. I didn’t know that karate meant “empty hand” and that ninja meant “hidden people”.
I wanna be able to walk away from this class with the ability to stay calmer, more aware of my surroundings, and how to deal with a negative situation when it pops up.
Yesterday in class a little hard for me with the falling idk y because I’ve done it plenty of times. But today we learned about what parts of the body that u wanna protect at all times no matter what. Jodan which is ya upper part of ya body then chudan which is ya whole mid season and finally gedan which is ya lower body
Today was a fun day. At the end of the day, we learned about and watched a video on the samurai and judo.
Today we watch in amazing film about vale toudo. Vale toudo is a form of MMA fighting where different forms of fighting come together and battle it out. You might see a wrestler fighting a karate person and a hand boxer fighting a kick boxer. After that we worked of our rolls and self defense moves
Today we learned how to block punches and we watched amine I was recording and almost blow out my ankle trying to save the birthday boii phone
Today we finished red belt. I really liked it and I would watch it again.We also leaned about horse stands and how to properly set your feet. Finally we learned about many things to do and not do wen you in a MMA fight is
Today we didn’t really do nothing other then watch a movie
I today we watched legion of a drunken master it was a good movies and I was shook to know that some crazy seens in the movies was real. We also watched female fighters anime in honor of Mother’s Day
Today we had a pop quiz that honestly blow mines but then we went outside to practice kou me tay and the movement were easy to remember but other then that today was a regular day
Today we watched a movie and went outside to practice
Today we watched a tuff movie that I really like and would watch again then we went outside and practice for our presentation then
Today we Watched black salt and the assistant and it was a really good action filled movie that’s kept me on the edge of my seat until I almost died by Induing a level 10 cramp
Yesterday we went to the movies and watched a really good movie i there was a difference form of karate being used I really liked wen Jon wick used his belt and rapped it around someone hand and broke it this technique is for a weapon that formers used for crops but then eventually to kill
Yesterday was a good day we watched a really good movie Thant I would watch again. After that we went out side and worked on heian shodan I really didn’t grasp that we did real good.
Entry #2

Entry #1 REDBELT
The movie Redbelt was very interesting. Even though the final fight scene between the protagonist Mike Terry (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and his brother-in-law, Ricardo Silva (John Machado) seemed prolonged, the end of the movie was left on a cliffhanger and too many issues seemed unresolved.

Overall, the movie had a lot of weird complicated plot twists among the many storylines but like a jiu-jitsu match, the film's action flipped around from position to position in an instant making the characters have to fight their way, literally and figuratively out of several tough spots.
Mr. Riley's fraternity brother, former MMA Champion and All-American collegiate wrestler, Frank Trigg had a small role in the movie as the trainer of one of the fighters. He presently works as an actor and stunt performer, a color commentator, television personality, radio host, and MMA spokesman.

Overall, the movie had a lot of weird complicated plot twists among the many storylines but like a jiu-jitsu match, the film's action flipped around from position to position in an instant making the characters have to fight their way, literally and figuratively out of several tough spots.
Mr. Riley's fraternity brother, former MMA Champion and All-American collegiate wrestler, Frank Trigg had a small role in the movie as the trainer of one of the fighters. He presently works as an actor and stunt performer, a color commentator, television personality, radio host, and MMA spokesman.
Entry #8
Today in class in we watched Legend of Drunken Master which uses Hun-Gar Kung Fu and we watched and analyzed anime fights scenes.
Entry #9
Today in class we took a quiz about Legend of Drunken Master and went outside and practiced Renshu Kumite Ichi.
Entry #10
Today in class we watched The 36 Chambers of Shaolin and went outside and continued to practice Renshu Kumite Ichi. In 36 Chambers of Shaolin, we saw a mad young Jackie Chan before the bread.
Entry #11
Today in class we watched The Protector with Tony Jaa. It was extremely valid!!! We then went outside and practiced our Kumite technique some more.
Entry #12
Today in class we watched a movie about capoeira called The Assailant. It was pretty tough. I didn’t see Black Salt because I was late today, but I heard it went hard too.
Entry #13
Yesterday we went to the CityPlex Cinema and saw John Wick 3. There was a lot of action throughout the whole movie. Keanu Reeves looked like he was out of breath from start to finish. You could really see the applications of the martial arts we've been learning from Sensei.
Entry #14
Yesterday in class we watched the film Lady Bloodfight. It was a good movie with really max fighting from females. Afterward, we went outside and practiced the kata called Heian Shodan. It was easier to learn than the last time we did it.
Entry #1
Yesterday in class we went over the history of the Shaolin monks and how recluse they are. They didn’t start out as a place for martial arts but they used martial arts as a way to further discipline themselves.
Entry #2
When we did the falling exercises I found out that it takes skill to fall. You can’t just fall down and hope for the best, you have to know how to protect the body as well.
Entry #3
Entry #4
Today in class we were watching The Smashing Machine, an MMA documentary on Mark Kerr and Mark Coleman. It showed Kerr, who was a great fighter but he lost a fight to a Russian fighter and started using painkillers and steroids. He eventually went to rehab for his addiction.
Entry #5
Today in class we went over more martial arts in amine and went outside to work on blocking.
Entry #6
Today in class we watched a presentation of a former History of Martial Arts class, then we watched a movie a called Karate Girl. The true nature of karate is for protection. However, it was used for killing and the evil organization was selling their fighters to commit murder around the world.
Entry #7
In class, we watched Iron Monkey with Donnie Yen, who was a tiger style fighter trying to rescue his son that was being falsely accused of something by the corrupt governor. They also got it very banging.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
KyRon Parker
On May 20th, 2019, was a great day. We watched black salt which was based on a comic book. It was showing us that he learned Iron body. Which I saw in the last fighting scene. We watched another movie which was called Assailant. It was based on Capoeira. They were slaves and they were doing traditional dances. But it wasn't dancing it was basically fighting.
On May 20th, 2019, was a great day. We watched black salt which was based on a comic book. It was showing us that he learned Iron body. Which I saw in the last fighting scene. We watched another movie which was called Assailant. It was based on Capoeira. They were slaves and they were doing traditional dances. But it wasn't dancing it was basically fighting.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Today, the class had another amazing trip to the cinema as we thoroughly enjoyed John Wick 3: Parabellum. In it, Keanu Reeves returns as the titular ex-hitman who finds himself on the run from assassins from around the globe because he's got a $14 million dollar and rising bounty on his head. Co-Star Halle Berry, as a fellow former assassin (now in "management") totally kicked butt too and was a joy to watch as well.
The martial arts choreography was top-notched. Forms of Aikido, Karate, Krav Maga, Judo, Jiujitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Silat, Sombo, and weapons galore were all featured as John Wick 3 delivered an awesome and action-packed thrill ride that fans will just love. It felt like the closest thing to a live-action video game but was actually a movie.
I think that John Wick 3 beat out the Avengers: Endgame for the biggest opening weekend with a +$57 million dollar haul and a John Wick 4 is already in the works for 2021!!!
Monday, May 20, 2019
Today I saw a different aspect of falling and how it is still important to do what you were taught which was to tuck your chin and smack the ground. Also, we learned how the samurai are skilled in a lot of different aspects with horse riding, the bow, the swords, and also hand-to-hand combat. The evolution of Judo also evolved from close interactions of combat from the samurais.
I learned that guarding the body comes from multiple ways of defending yourself. Also, that falling isn’t as easy as it seems. It takes the well-practiced techniques to fall and if not done right it could cause you pain in the long run if not immediately.
The Shaolin monks are very skilled at what they do even if it were not for entertainment purposes.
Yesterday we watched a few anime videos in how some of the fighting styles can vary in certain types of animes. It showed how certain styles of fighting can translate into different types of movements such as Tai-Chi which is like water bending. We also learned about the way of the Shaolin and how they train for almost all of their life and how sometimes they don’t see their parents from the time that they are little kids until they are adults.
KyRon Parker
On May 17th, 2019, was a great day. We watched the best movie out of all the movies the class watched. The class watched The Protector. All the scenes was live and real. It was a mind blowing to see. The main character had crazy vertical. We went outside and did Kumite. I got the hang of it 3 days ago so I know it.
On May 17th, 2019, was a great day. We watched the best movie out of all the movies the class watched. The class watched The Protector. All the scenes was live and real. It was a mind blowing to see. The main character had crazy vertical. We went outside and did Kumite. I got the hang of it 3 days ago so I know it.
On the sixth of May, we saw the movie The 36 Chambers of Shaolin. In this film, they displayed many different chambers of skills practiced by the monks. My favorite chamber was the bo-staff chamber. My favorite weapon was the butterfly knives because of the way they were flipped in the air and then caught the other weapons during the fight by the mean monk. My least favorite weapon was the Dao (broad sword) because it didn’t seem to have much structure and firmness. Also, another thing that I found interesting was that San Te (Gordon Liu) created the 36 Chamber in order to introduce regular people (non-monks) to the martial arts teachings of the Shaolin to be able to rebel against the Ching (Manchu) Dynasty.
KyRon Parker
On May 16th, 2019, was a great day. We watched The 36th Chambers of Shaolin. It was a great movie overall. San Te father got killed and people started to look for the son. The son wanted to go to the Shaolin Temple to learn Kung Fu. He did great and passed every test the monks had for him. It took him 2 1/2 years. We went outside and work on techniques.
On May 16th, 2019, was a great day. We watched The 36th Chambers of Shaolin. It was a great movie overall. San Te father got killed and people started to look for the son. The son wanted to go to the Shaolin Temple to learn Kung Fu. He did great and passed every test the monks had for him. It took him 2 1/2 years. We went outside and work on techniques.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
KyRon Parker
On May 15th, 2019, it was a great and fun day. It was a lot of energy in the class and we all had a good time today. We watched a great great great documentary on Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Most of the things there was on the movie was live and real. Martial arts started to become bigger I believe in the 1970s and it started to become bigger when Jackie Chan started to be in movies and it was funny. Example the Rush Hour. Also later we did Renshu Kumite Ichi. It was pretty fun because it can help me if I was in a fight.
On May 15th, 2019, it was a great and fun day. It was a lot of energy in the class and we all had a good time today. We watched a great great great documentary on Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Most of the things there was on the movie was live and real. Martial arts started to become bigger I believe in the 1970s and it started to become bigger when Jackie Chan started to be in movies and it was funny. Example the Rush Hour. Also later we did Renshu Kumite Ichi. It was pretty fun because it can help me if I was in a fight.
KyRon Parker
On May 14th, 2019, was a great day. We watched anime and The Legend of the Drunken Master. Today I think the anime was better because we watched Baki. To me it was the one. The movie was great also. I liked it because most of it was plenty of fighting scenes. What I notice is when Jackie Chan was drunk nobody can beat him. He was using Hung Gar style.
On May 14th, 2019, was a great day. We watched anime and The Legend of the Drunken Master. Today I think the anime was better because we watched Baki. To me it was the one. The movie was great also. I liked it because most of it was plenty of fighting scenes. What I notice is when Jackie Chan was drunk nobody can beat him. He was using Hung Gar style.
KyRon Parker
On May 13th, 2019, it was an okay day. We watched the Iron Monkey. I liked the because it was a lot of fighting scenes and it explained a lot of techniques that we did.
On May 13th, 2019, it was an okay day. We watched the Iron Monkey. I liked the because it was a lot of fighting scenes and it explained a lot of techniques that we did.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Female fighters in anime part 2 - Izumi Curtis from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist
(original and Brotherhood) - 2:29 - 2:47;
v=lC85KcDFY2Q - 1:19: Uraraka fights from the anime My Hero Academia - fight from the anime Kenichi: part of Shigure vs.
(original and Brotherhood) - 2:29 - 2:47;
v=lC85KcDFY2Q - 1:19: Uraraka fights from the anime My Hero Academia - fight from the anime Kenichi: part of Shigure vs.
School Girls fight - 3:58 to 5:14 - Toph vs. Earthbenders fight from Avatar: The
Last Airbender - 3:59 - Toph vs. Earthbenders fight from Avatar: The
Last Airbender - 3:59
KyRon Parker
On May 10th, 2019 it was a great day. We watched a presentation of a previous History of Martial Arts project as well as a movie called Karate Girl. I think the presentation documentary had to be the best one. Karate Girl was a great overall movie. It's about a criminal clan that taught the younger sister that karate is for killing but the father taught both the daughters that karate was for protection. The younger sister got taken by the clan taught her the evil way. The older sister was taught the right way by her father that it was for protection. The younger sister eventually realizes that and turns to the good side and help the older sister fight the evil clan. I really noticed the standing techniques that we were talking about and learning from Sensei in class.
On May 10th, 2019 it was a great day. We watched a presentation of a previous History of Martial Arts project as well as a movie called Karate Girl. I think the presentation documentary had to be the best one. Karate Girl was a great overall movie. It's about a criminal clan that taught the younger sister that karate is for killing but the father taught both the daughters that karate was for protection. The younger sister got taken by the clan taught her the evil way. The older sister was taught the right way by her father that it was for protection. The younger sister eventually realizes that and turns to the good side and help the older sister fight the evil clan. I really noticed the standing techniques that we were talking about and learning from Sensei in class.
KyRon Parker
On May 9th, 2019 we watched a really good movie about JiuJitsu. The movie was called Redbelt.
On May 9th, 2019 we watched a really good movie about JiuJitsu. The movie was called Redbelt.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Sword fighters in anime (and some samurai) - 10 examples of sword fighters in anime: 11:54 - 10 examples of sword fights in anime:
10:53 - Hiei from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei vs.
Makintaro - 2:25 (another example is on my anime blog in a post about this character) - 10 examples of sword fights in anime:
10:53 - Hiei from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei vs.
Makintaro - 2:25 (another example is on my anime blog in a post about this character)
Female fighters in anime - 1:37;
v=pKwq4EJtQOE - 1:51: videos of Mao from the anime Hinamatsuri - fight from anime Yu Yu Hakusho:
Genkai vs. Suzuka - 1:23 - fight from anime Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke
"vs." Keiko - 0:52
v=pKwq4EJtQOE - 1:51: videos of Mao from the anime Hinamatsuri - fight from anime Yu Yu Hakusho:
Genkai vs. Suzuka - 1:23 - fight from anime Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke
"vs." Keiko - 0:52
Thursday, May 9, 2019
KyRon Parker
On May 8th, 2019 we learned how to defend with evasion movements, deflection, and blocks. We watched a bunch of videos on anime which was fun. Now thanks to Brother Thomas, I'm watching Cowboy Bebop. Also, we learned a lot of atemi waza (striking /pressure points) that we can aim for while fighting. Overall it was a relaxing day.
On May 8th, 2019 we learned how to defend with evasion movements, deflection, and blocks. We watched a bunch of videos on anime which was fun. Now thanks to Brother Thomas, I'm watching Cowboy Bebop. Also, we learned a lot of atemi waza (striking /pressure points) that we can aim for while fighting. Overall it was a relaxing day.
KyRon Parker
On May 7th, 2019 we watched a documentary about Mark Kerr and Mark Coleman. As I have observed they are really good fighters. Also they have known each other for a long time. They both had a bunch of fighting backgrounds meaning wrestling, Jujitsu, etc. Also we got taught how to roll. To me it was hard because I move my head a lot. But overall I had a good time because it was fun.
On May 7th, 2019 we watched a documentary about Mark Kerr and Mark Coleman. As I have observed they are really good fighters. Also they have known each other for a long time. They both had a bunch of fighting backgrounds meaning wrestling, Jujitsu, etc. Also we got taught how to roll. To me it was hard because I move my head a lot. But overall I had a good time because it was fun.
Monday, May 6, 2019
May 6th, 2019
Today I learned more things about the samurai and saw techniques in judo because we watched two documentaries about both samurai and judo.
One thing that I have noticed is that everything I learned so far has similar ideas. Of the many things I have learned has to do with hand-to-hand combat. Also, the sensei gets respected no matter what.
In judo, you do a lot of stretches to keep your body flexible. At the end of the course, one thing that's important is to have your mind and body calm and relaxed.
One thing that I have noticed is that everything I learned so far has similar ideas. Of the many things I have learned has to do with hand-to-hand combat. Also, the sensei gets respected no matter what.
In judo, you do a lot of stretches to keep your body flexible. At the end of the course, one thing that's important is to have your mind and body calm and relaxed.
The experience that I had yesterday was really good. I learned all about the difference in artistic styles between different types of anime. In samurai anime, the simplistic art style juxtaposes the complex social order of the samurai in that time period. This dramatic effect topped off with amazing fight scenes gives anime its unique character.

I just sit there and wonder what kind of intense training they went through to achieve the superb level of mental and physical conditioning they are in.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
May 3rd, 2019
We learned that the Shaolin monks cared for and really looked after younger monk students. They are supposed to have their little brother's back at all times.
The invading Manchu warriors had interesting weapons on their backs which were able to kill an opponent by shooting these projectiles from those harnesses.
We learned how to properly fall, called ukemi. To me, it was easy because I did it before studying with Sensei Riley. But overall it was good to relearn it because I would have forgotten what to do if we went to another dojo.
We saw the technique called iron body demonstrated by the Shaolin monks laying on actual swords and nails which seems like it would cut through them but it did not which was surprising.
The invading Manchu warriors had interesting weapons on their backs which were able to kill an opponent by shooting these projectiles from those harnesses.
We learned how to properly fall, called ukemi. To me, it was easy because I did it before studying with Sensei Riley. But overall it was good to relearn it because I would have forgotten what to do if we went to another dojo.
We saw the technique called iron body demonstrated by the Shaolin monks laying on actual swords and nails which seems like it would cut through them but it did not which was surprising.
May 2nd, 2019
In the Shaolin Temple documentary, the parents take you to the temple at the age of 6, maybe even younger. So basically your not going to see your parents until you are an adult. Also, we saw that some monks were dragging heavy objects like rocks and logs over great distances with their genitals. They were doing something that was called the iron egg. They were also using huge and heavy cylinders to get their forearms and fingers stronger. They teach you these Shaolin ways over many years.
We viewed several examples of martial arts in anime. One series, Baccano uses boxing to fight opponents. Another we saw, Baka and Test, a character ate a punch that was very strong from a person that was way bigger than him by far. He also dodged a bunch of his punches as well.
We viewed several examples of martial arts in anime. One series, Baccano uses boxing to fight opponents. Another we saw, Baka and Test, a character ate a punch that was very strong from a person that was way bigger than him by far. He also dodged a bunch of his punches as well.
May 1st, 2019
I learned that I have to be in top shape. It's a lot of pain that goes with training. When you train, you need to do every technique correctly. If not, they won't work to there full potential. Your body has to be calm and also your mind has to be right.
I learned that ninja means hidden people. Ninjas have to make weapons from normal objects which will surprise the enemy and keep them off guard.
I also learned that the samurai usually have 3 swords (weapons) on them called daisho.
I learned that ninja means hidden people. Ninjas have to make weapons from normal objects which will surprise the enemy and keep them off guard.
I also learned that the samurai usually have 3 swords (weapons) on them called daisho.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Yesterday in class was another intriguing day. We watched many different anime videos with different styles and techniques of fighting. It interested me because I didn’t know how all of these different styles of fighting all come back as some type of martial arts.
Today is going to be our first day of physical training and I am ready to see what Sensei has in store for us.
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